Develop Your Exam

Whatever your goal of test taking is we can help you achieve your goal of a fair, valid, reliable and legally defensible exam.

Test development - Service options

Your exam program is unique. At Live Core, we work with you to craft a solution to meet your needs and you choose how you wish to engage our services. An initial program evaluation helps provide the best recommendations for your testing program. Learn more about test development.

Test design

Fair, valid, reliable and defensible: It all starts with the design of your test. Live Core can help you determine what should be tested and how to test it. Learn more about test design.

Content creation

From training your subject matter experts and facilitating item writing workshops, to managing the entire item development process, our content development team can help you create test content that focuses on the appropriate knowledge base.

Analysis and measurement

Once you've started to deliver your test, you will want to know how it performs. Live Core's dedicated psychometricians can provide standard-setting assistance and ongoing analysis so that your exam and items are achieving their optimal performance.